Historic Re-Enactors back at Camp
Congratulations to the 1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics, Co. E. on their 31st Anniversary! Beautiful weather welcomed back these...

The Historic Methodist Campground is gearing up for a season filled with fun and engaging fundraising activities and events. Volunteers...

Stakeholders Contribute to the Conversation
As the Historic Methodist Campground moves forward with their new vision, area stakeholders and key advisor's gathered at the Des Plaines...

UIC 4H Clovers
Another proud moment for our Des Plaines 4-H group. Amazing children and leaders. Our Des Plaines 4H Group won a blue ribbon and a trip...

History Hunters Uncover Buried Treasures
Members of the Midwest Historical Research Society uncover artifacts at the 157-year old historic Chicago District Campground in Des...

Community Explores Solutions
HMC & Shift2Green are proud partners with Faith In Place, and grateful for their continued efforts to explore solutions for a healthier...

Oakton Students Serve Community
Thank you to Oakton for supporting our revitalization project through your annual Day of Service. As a community partnership site, we...

Before the Flood
Thanks to all those that joined us for the film screening of "Before the Flood". This film looked at how climate change affects our...